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Introduction #

ListoWP integrates with a range of third party plugins, to show the ListoWP Lists & Tasks in user profiles. It currently supports PeepSo, BuddyBoss and WooCommerce.

The options for each integration include:

  • Label – defines what text to use in the user profile menu, for example To Do, My Tasks etc.
  • Slug – defines what URL to use when linking to ListoWP user profiles, for example tasks, todo, reminders. As a rule of thumb, you should not use special characters or spaces in this field.
  • Position (except PeepSo)- a number that defines where the ListoWP item shows in the menu.
  • Icon CSS class (PeepSo only) – what icon to use in the menu. Works with FontAwesome 6 Free, but you can use any other CSS as long as it’s queued in the front-end. Examples: fa-solid fa-rectangle-list.

PeepSo #

The PeepSo integration must be first enabled in the ListoWP configuration. You can then configure the details in PeepSo > Configuration > ListoWP.

In the PeepSo configuration, select “Enabled” in the “Profiles” section. The ListoWP Lists and Tasks will now show in PeepSo user profiles.

Advanced options include:

  • Label
  • Slug
  • Icon CSS class

Position is not a part of ListoWP settings, as it can be modified by using the native PeepSo interface under PeepSo > Configuration > Appearance > User Profiles > Advanced > Profile tabs order.

BuddyBoss #

All settings for the BuddyBoss integration are in the ListoWP configuration. It must first be enabled to show user Lists and Tasks in BuddyBoss profiles.

Advanced options include:

  • Label
  • Slug
  • Position

Please note that BuddyBoss does not number the tabs from “1”. The BuddyBoss default tabs are be positioned with arbitrary numbers: 20 (profile), 21 (account), 25 (timeline), 30 (notifications), etc.

You might need to experiment with numbers in this range to get it right. For example, 15 should be first, 21 second and 24 third. The numbers used for positions might differ between websites, however, depending on BuddyBoss version, configuration and add-ons installed.

WooCommerce #

All settings for the WooCommerce integration are in the ListoWP configuration. It must first be enabled to show user Lists and Tasks in WooCommerce profiles.

Advanced options include:

  • Label
  • Slug
  • Position